Creative Pay It Forward Movement!!

Posted on the 15 January 2013 by Kclark051 @classickc

"2013 Creative-Pay-It-Forward: the first five people to comment below will receive something from me within the calendar year. Your gift will be a surprise and will arrive without warning. The catch? You must post this invitation on your blog, as well.Ready? Go!"
So, here is what I would like you to do:1. Comment below that you would like to receive something from me within the 2013 calendar year.2. IN YOUR COMMENT, include the name of your blog and that you would like to participate!3. In order to participate, you must post this in your blog too... remember: Pay it Forward!! 4. Finally, email me (kgclark051@gmail.comyour full name and address for mailing your gift. (Don't add it to the comments as I don't want spammers to get-cha!) .
Until Next Time XO