When I started this journey, I had high hopes of wonderful post about my journey however, I'm finding that (1) I don't have much to post about; (2) my path isn't as elaborate as some; and (3) I'd rather not be a target of scrutiny by the Pagan "police". You know the ones. Those who are quick to judge because you may mix a lil bit of this with a lil bit of that.
Yes, I truly don't care what people think of the path I've made for myself but in all honesty, my spirituality (as before as a Christian) is personal to me. I get more out of it by reflecting and mediating versus sharing it on my blog. Sounds weird?
I do appreciate all the support you've given me and will continue to read and comment on your blogs. I just can't justify keeping this one in tact.
I'm thinking of either deleting the blog all together or merging the important posts on my other blog Pibbles & the Hormonal Heathen. I'd like to extend the invite to all of you, to hop on over there and subscribe, or if not, that's fine. Pibbles & the Hormonal Heathen is also on Facebook for your convenience.
Again, thank you for all your support. This site will be removed in it's entirety within the next few weeks.
Much love to all!