Cupcake of the Week: Oreo Brownie Cupcakes

Posted on the 03 February 2012 by Scarlettandstephen

So I’m not gonna lie.  I have other dreams beyond photography.  Other crazy thoughts that float through my head as I wonder “What if?”  If I wasn’t a wedding photographer, I would want to do A, B, & C.  It kind of goes back to a poem I wrote in 1st grade for a homework assignment:

Sometimes I like to sit and think of what I’d like to be

I know I like to sing and dance so what is best for me?

I couldn’t be a doctor, because doctors never sing

And nurses aren’t allowed to dance,

And I couldn’t be a king.

So I guess there’s only one thing left,

I guess I’ll be a star

Where I can sing and dance all

Be rich and drive a car!

Now I remind you, this was 1st grade.  Maybe 2nd grade.  And that time I was obsessed with Star Search and the Gem doll (because she was the cool Barbie doll who could sing.  Anyone remember Gem, or am I alone here?) And as I continue to grow up, a little part of that poem sticks in my heart.  I still can’t believe I remember it all these years later.

So my latest “Sometimes I like to sit and think of what I’d like to be?”

I’m just gonna come out and say it.

I want to open a cupcake shop.  

(And I can’t believe I just walked through that fear and admitted that to you.  But if you are reading this, I consider you a friend, so no teasing please.)

Why a cupcake shop?  Because cupcakes are my happy place.  And quickly becoming my husband’s too.  When I’m having a bad day?  I bake cupcakes.  When I’m PMSing, I bake cupcakes.  When my husband slips and falls in the shower, what does he ask for?  For me to bake him cupcakes.  Maybe it’s because cupcakes remind me of that 1st grader I used to be when life was innocent and before grown up bills were due.  Maybe it’s because life can throw you lemons, but a lemon cupcake, now that’s what I don’t mind catching if someone threw one at me.  Maybe it’s because cupcakes simply make me smile and my heart skip a beat as I learn to conquer a new recipe and make it look as fabulous pretty as it tastes.

So until I find the courage to open my own cupcake shop (while wearing tutus and tiaras of course), I’ve been asked to blog a recipe from my Instagram where I deliciously posted an amazing Oreo Brownie cupcake I conquered in the kitchen.  Hope this makes your day just as happy.  (And if you have any fun cupcake recipes, leave a link in the comment section, I’m always looking for more fun recipes!)


1 Packet of Oreos

1 Packet of Fudge Brownie Mix (they usually require a few eggs, some oil, and water too)

I can of vanilla frosting


1. Make brownie mix.  Crumble up some Oreos, and throw them in the mix. However much you think you like.

2. While brownies are cooking, in a big bowl, empty half the pack of Oreos and with a big spoon, mash those little suckers to death (also substitutes as great therapy substituting Oreos for what/whoever you are mad at that day).

3. Scoop in Vanilla Frosting to the bowl and mix together with crumbled Oreo pieces.

4. Once brownies come out of the oven, let them COOL for about half an hour, or else your frosting WILL melt (learned that the hard way!)

5.  Pile on as much frosting as your tummy is craving.  Once you’re done, stick an Oreo in the top and call it a day.

SERVING: Serves 6 cupcakes (I had a small brownie packet, yours might make more.  If so, load up on more cans of frosting to accommodate more cupcakes.)