…Cure a Case of the Mondays

Posted on the 20 April 2015 by Zer @the2women


 Happy Monday, fellow crusaders!

I know, that seems like an oxymoron, but the good news for most of you, is that you’ve made it through another one. Plus, we’re one day closer to Friday. If that’s not enough to cure a lingering case of the Mondays, then here are some other fantastic things that happened today:

  • A new “Jurassic World” trailer came out: 

  • A team of scientists taste tested a bottle of champagne found in a shipwreck at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. Believe it or not, while it was a little sweet, the 170-year-old bottle was still good. So good news, that bottle of champagne that you’ve had in your fridge for forever is probably  still good.
  • A new species of frog called the Hyalinobatrachium dianae has been found in Costa Rica. Which I’ll admit isn’t super exciting unless you’re an amphibian enthusiast. However, this frog is a dead ringer for Kermit, which makes it a groundbreaking discovery.

…just for fun: