Curing the World…

Posted on the 03 October 2012 by Psychicillumination @psychicdad

Growing up the child of abuse, this song always touches me. Please don’t misunderstand me: I love my father very, very much and miss him terribly. He was a remarkable man for his time. He raised my brother and I by himself in a time when few men did. But in this one area, he failed.

If I could have one world altering wish come true, it would not be for riches, wealth or power. It would not be for world peace, nuclear disarmament, world wide financial prosperity or even freedom: it would be for every child to be wanted, loved, cherished and protected the way they should be!

It would be that no matter what their challenges; poverty, poor health, social alienation, that they have at least one parent who is completely on their side with a vow to never forsake their interest. 

It is my firm belief, if this wild fairy tale ever came to pass, we would have everything else most people wish for within one generation.

Let your love start at home!