I'm currently:
Loving my hubby. He's amazing. He works so hard to provide for our family, his abounding love and patience amazes me. He never complains and always has a smile on his face. A wonderful father and an even more wonderful husband and partner. I clearly must have done something right to have been blessed with this man. I love you Rich and am so thankful for all that you do and all that you are.
Anticipating the new school year to start. miss Sassy will be in 6th grade, I will be in 14th grade... wait what?!? Yea, I'm STILL in school... eons later. I like to call it my lifetime education plan. Hey, at least I'm learning something. :-)
Missing friends and family - period. Whether they're in Connecticut, California, Colorado or Kansas, I miss them all. I've had a love-hate relationship with Idaho since we relocated here in 2010. I wish I could be closer to my loved ones, or at least had the time and money to just pick up and visit them on a whim, whenever my heart desired.
Motivated (1) to start working on my jewelry line Lennox Kate Collection inspired by miss Sassy; (2) to put the finishing (but always a work in progress) touches on ELA; (3) to begin work on the business plan for Modern Girl Fitness, a resource directory/blog for fitness/health professionals; (4) to work on branding myself as a blogger.
Happy that my friend Katie had her new baby Liam Michael today at 11:59 AM! Isn't he precious?!
Sad about nada!
Nervous for miss Sassy and the challenges she will begin to face as she gets older. Peer pressure, cliques, boys, etc. I have tried so hard to be a good example for her and I pray that God's grace will give me the fortitude to press on in that role.
Wishing this weight loss train was at least doing the speed limit.
Reading blogs, blogs and more blogs! Actually I think the last book I read was The Hunger Games, and aside from my scriptures & schoolbooks, the ONLY thing I read are blogs! HA!
Watching a lot of Netflix and reruns of The Big Bang Theory, The Golden Girls and The X-Files.
Listening to Taylor Swifts' new song [thanks Alissa]! "We are NEVER EVER EVER getting back together!" Like..... ever.
Thank you Alissa, Colleen, Danielle, and Megan for posting this idea!