
Posted on the 04 October 2012 by Karaevs @KaraEvs

Time // 9:30 a.m.

Place // The living room is my most lived in space it seems. Isla is asleep in my lap after eating half of her breakfast.

Eating // I am addicted to grapes. We bought 4lbs(!!) of them at Costco last week (because you can’t buy a small quantity of ANYTHING at Costco) and they’re all gone. Saaaaad.

Drinking // Coffee, and lots of it. The first thing I do in the morning is start my coffee so I can drink it while feeding Isla. I’ve been waking up with massive sinus headaches thanks to the weather, and coffee really helps mellow them out.

Watching // Hurray for the return of fall TV programming!! Sitting in my PVR right now is Breaking Amish, but I’m also loving that Grey’s is back (WTF, first episode? WTF??) as well as Private Practice. I also have Survivor on the PVR, but I’ve yet to watch any of the episodes. Oh well. I haven’t watched it in a couple years, so if I don’t watch this season, it won’t be the end of the world. Oh – and America’s Next Top Model. I know, I’m horrible for supporting the walking toothpicks, but I swear I watch it for the photography!

Reading // I’m still only 5% of the way through Pride & Prejudice, but I haven’t really been reading a lot lately. I also started reading Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close since I had a 30% off code for Kobo. So far, I’m enjoying it!

Wanting // Spicy food! I’m pretty sure I wrote this for my last “Currently” post, but it’s true! I miss spicy food and would kill for some Thai Coconut Curry soup right now. One day … one day …

Thinking //I’ve been thinking a lot about my job and daycare. Daycare is EXPENSIVE and I only work part-time. Is going back to work really going to be worth it since one entire paycheck will probably go towards childcare? I have no idea. I love, LOVE my job and the potential that it has for my career, but at the same time … I just don’t know.

Hoping // Kyle just booked a “guys only” trip to Las Vegas and goes in a couple weeks. I’m hoping he has an awesome time! And yes, I’m aware that people will probably be all, “How dare he go to Vegas and have fun while his wife is at home with the baby,” but he’s been thinking about going since before the baby came and I’m been pushing him to go. As long as he brings me something back, I’m okay with him going

Needing // A shopping trip. I’ve been feeling a little frumpy lately and I think some new clothes would help. When Kyle goes to Vegas, my mom and I are going to go to Kelowna to do some shopping, so that should help a little! It will be Isla’s first non-family visit road trip, so it should be interesting!

Anticipating //Halloween. I generally don’t get excited for Halloween other than to eat mini chocolate bars, but since Isla came around, silly holidays like this one allow me to relive my childhood a little bit. I’m looking forward to dressing her up in her little Jack O’Lantern sleeper and answering the door with her

What’s currently on your mind?