Diaries Magazine

Currently //

Posted on the 28 August 2014 by Klnelms @klanelms
Have I ever told ya'll how much I LOVE the "Currently" posts?! Well, I do.  I admit it.  I'm a sucker for being nosey and now it's my turn to do one for you lovely ladies.  Thanks, Melissa, for letting me steal the idea off your blog!
currently //
OBSESSING... all the cute school supplies that are in stores.  OBSESSED.
EXCITED...  My ONE YEAR anniversary is coming up in October. LISTENING... Casting Crowns, my favorite! LOVING... Fall is approaching and I get to decorate our home in warm tones. PREPARING... To be healthier.  I have slacked off and it shows.  Literally. ANTICIPATING... Work and all the changes coming in the next two months. BUYING... Nothing, I'm trying to save what I can for Christmas! WATCHING... I haven't had the time, but I NEED to catch up on PLL! No one spill any secrets! TRYING... To catch up reading my favorite ladies and their blogs! Sorry for my lack of comments!
LOCATED... Little sleepy Corinth, MS, at work. NEEDING... A day OFF.  Thank goodness for Monday coming up! GIRL-CRUSHING... Always same answer, Carrie Underwood's legs.  READING... My Bible studies.  I recommend #SheReadsTruth.  Want to join me? BEHIND... Scheduling my blog posts for the coming week. LEARNING... patience.  And I'm not good at it. MAKING... Nothing and don't plan to.  I need rest and relaxation first.
STRESSING... I'm finally not stressing too much.  The last month was all I could take though. WANTING... to get my home office / blogging space finished. CELEBRATING... my new car! (Bye-bye Jeep, thanks to my wreck)

IN CASE YOU MISSED THEM:The White's: Our Love Story
#TOTALSOCIAL: Guilty Pleasures
August Goals

currently //

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