Self Expression Magazine

Currently: May

Posted on the 10 May 2012 by Travelspot06 @travelspot06

Current Book - The Travel Writers Handbook - Jacqueline Butler
Current Celebrity Crush - McDreamy. What, he looks even better as he ages!
Currently: May


Current Drink - Smoothie made from: juice of 2 lemons, 1 splenda, 1/2 cup frozen strawberries (or mango), water, 1/2 banana, 1 tbsp yogurt
Current Excitement - Brunch with my mother and my "other mother" this weekend! 
Current fashion trend - I put pants on today, does that count?
Current Favorite Blog/Website - This Power Yoga Video
Current Favorite Film - The Princess Bride. Classic. If you haven't seen it yet, do it now. 
Curent Food - Pomegranate Pot Roast recommended by Lisa
Current Guilty Pleasure - Reading! I have been tearing it up this week! 
Current Indulgence - mini carrot cake muffins (mini = MANY)
Current Mood - productive = good! 
Current New Find Planet Fresh fish burritos in Santa Cruz
Current Outfit - Nike tempo shorts, Champion tank, Asics Pheonix 3
Current Peeve - People who say "I blog for myself". No you don't. If you did, it would be called a JOURNAL. 
Current Song - Goyte - Somebody that I Used To Know
Current Triumph - I went for a run in my Kinvaras. So far, no calf tightness or pain! 
Current TV Show - Nothing. (See above re guilty pleasure)
Current Wish-List - Remote for my camera
Currently Delaying - Working on my recap for The Relay (hence this post)
What are you currently up to? What are your Mother's Day Plans? What is your current peeve?

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