Braiely, for her part, had the two best runs of her life! They were both clean! She shaved an entire second off her second run from her first. She rode her horse so well, and they worked as a team. Patsy, bless her heart, stayed to help and watch her, even though she was done. Seriously, we are so lucky to have her helping us! And Aunt Suezy was in her element helping Brailey, as well, and was incredibly impressed with how great Tex looks and how well Bray rides him. Brailey tied him to the trailer for a bit, and when she went to get him, Aunt Suezy was there rubbing his hocks to get his natural endorphins going. Brailey was so thrilled by this! I think Aunt Suezy is her good luck charm! It was a fantastic day. After a brief rest at home, Brady and the kiddos met Aunt Suezy and JoJo at Uncle Boone's farm, Lone Pine Farm, for a trip through the famous haunted corn maze. They had a spectacular time! Britt was thrilled to have his favorite aunt going through the maze with him, and apparently he had to push her through a tunnel, because she was claustrophobic. I am still hearing stories about this great trip through the haunted corn maze! It was a special day, no doubt about it! Stay tuned for the next edition, where you will learn all about Sunday's activities with our beloved Aunt Suezy!