By far the most dangerous aisle is the cosmetics aisle. Pretty much any make up you could ever dream of finding at any price. I don't wear make up, well not very much. I have my lashes dyed regularly, and my eye liner is tattooed on. My mornings usually consist of a smooth coat of foundation. If and when I end up in this aisle. I am already doomed. I feel the need to buy funky green and pink eye shadow, 24 hour lip stains, 3 different mascara's that are all volumizing or lengthening. All of which remain snug in my drawer. Stay away from the most dangerous aisle known to woman kind.

Office Supply section is a weakness, and a money killer. I love new paper, tiny planners, and post it notes.
The hair aisle. RUN! I rarely buy hair products from the grocery store. I always use my mom's esthetician card and go to cosmo prof. BUT when I am in the store, that doesn't occur to me. I start buying anti-frizz, glimmer spray, straightening serum, and of course tons of hair accessories. I NEVER wear hair accessories, but I have an entire drawer full. Go figure.

The candy aisle is also dangerous. Really dangerous.3/$3 need I say more?
Have you ever been to the travel size part of the store? How can you not pick up tiny baby toothbrushes that come with their own itty bitty tooth paste? They kill me! I feel like I adopted a new family member, until I get home put them in our "inventory" closet, and never see them again. Dang.

Today I went to Smith's Supercenter on my lunch break. I had 2 things I needed for our upcoming trip. Sunscreen and Aloe lotion. I spent $85 dollars. I did buy a miniature deodorant, a mini tooth paste, some SPF 50 foundation (I blister on my nose), real sunscreen, bug spray, baby tampons (they're cute! - no i'm not cycling), and 3 different types of leave in conditioner/ anti-frizz hair things.
bad miki
{ P.S. }
[paging all bloggers]
I am looking for some guest posters that are willing to type very fast! I want to do a series of posts about "the worst vacation (or vacation experience) ever" and feature them on my blog next week! The posts would need to be to me by this Friday (I know, I suck), but it's a GREAT opportunity to get some new readers, and get your name out to a new audience OR just be silly and write ridiculous things on someone else's blog. Shoot me an email me if you're interested [email protected]