Dating Profile Considerations

Posted on the 12 March 2013 by Killmenow @lbigfoot
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Welcome to my site. You may want to check out my book, "Kill Me Now!". Thanks for visiting!

Last week we caught up with Gina who discussed how to write profiles. She asked me to write a guest post for her asking some questions about women’s dating profiles and she would endeavor to answer them.

I posted the following questions to Gina on Cupid’s Laboratory, an apt name for the partner seekers:

  • Why do women not add a decent photo? Often there is either no photo or else a photo with them with someone else etc. I saw a picture of a woman wit a guy and I thought maybe they are in for a threesome? I feel that if there is no photo, it means that there is something to hide, such as maybe they are married and they do not want their husbands to catch them. Or maybe they are too ugly or on the other end of the scale, too beautiful? If you are too beautiful, why did you wait so long to call me?
  • Why do some women have photos with them and their children? I understand that they want to make sure that people know that there are children, but it seems off-putting.
  • Why do some women write profiles which are the size of a small book? As a guy, I look at your picture and if I like what I see i will then try to read your profile. My attention span is not enough to warrant spending 5 minutes reading each profile. I get bored. Kill Me Now! In many sites you have to wade through a few pages to find information. As an example, one lady wrote a long page of information with no line breaks and only on the forth page was there a note: “Don’t approach me if you do not have a doctorate and are over 40.” Maybe she does not want people to approach her.
  • Why are some women stuck on academic degrees? It only proves that you know how to study. Not that you are intelligent but that you know how to take exams. Does it make you a better conversationalist? Maybe, if you want to discuss the effect of the mating rituals of amoeba worms on world affairs. By the way, I know many women with academic degrees, even Masters, who are not very intelligent and know little apart from their own field of study. Do not ask me how they passed. I guess the same could be said for some males.
  • Why do some women have strange profile names that show desperation? INeedAMan, IWantABabyNow, LookingForLove, RUMyOne
  • Is it fair to join a dating site if you are separated? Separated still means there is a chance at reconciliation. If you have sex while being separated, is that not considered adultery?
  • Why do most women not answer you when you send an introduction email? Must admit that I am guilty of this myself, but I could never understand why a 70-year old woman was approaching me.

Her answers, should you care to read them and be amused, can be found on her website: One Man’s Questions from the Online Dating Battlefield