Daughter of Anarchy
Posted on the 26 April 2012 by Sofiaessen
As the title of this blog entry might suggest, I’m a fan of the TV Series “Sons of Anarchy”. There’s never a dull moment and the leading male character is not difficult to rest one’s eyes upon. Male eye candy aside, I have an undying fascination for motorcycles. I don’t think I quite qualify as an anarchist. The jury is still out. Authority figures do set my teeth on edge. And I tend to disappear into my own little world more often than I care to admit. So perhaps I’m rebelling against the realities of the real world in my own peaceful way. Oh yes, my brand of anarchy is very benign. I’m certainly not hardcore enough to be welcomed into the fold of an authentic Hell’s Angels charter. But I’m fanatical about Harleys. Not much tops the feel of this revered machine beneath you while there’s nothing but the open road ahead. It gives you a heady sense of freedom. Suddenly, life seems full of unexplored possibilities. I know a few fellow motorcycle fanatics whose wives and girlfriends unfortunately don’t understand their passion for Harleys. To help these poor souls, I’ve listed seven good (girly) reasons to own and ride a Harley below:
1) They’re always in fashion. Owning a Harley never goes of style.
2) You can paint a Harley pink, purple and orange if you like, and no one will think it looks silly. It still looks like a Harley.
3) They only have one carburetor to adjust.
4) A woman riding a Harley through the center of town will always turn heads.
5) You don’t need to understand “double overhead cams” to maintain them.
6) Even if you don’t want to go faster than 20 MPH, you still look cool.
7) You can buy Harley gear for your Yorkshire Terrier.