Creativity Magazine

Davie's Legacy

Posted on the 16 November 2012 by Ashleylister @ashleylister
Before I get going, I must remind you all that tonight is the Dead Good Poet's Open Mic event which will be kicking off at 6pm.  On this occassion we are a Fringe Friday event as part of Blackpool's Wordpool celebrations and we're looking at a theme of diaries! So clear your diaries and get down to No. 5 Cafe, Cedar Square, Blackpool!  Anyway, on with today's blog....
Ambition, meaningDesire for personalAchievement.  At best.
Ambition, according to trusty old Wikipedia, is the desire for personal achievement.Personal development at its purest is an admirable aim, but at what cost is it achieved.
Davie’s legacy
Davie is crying, he’s a little bit sad,What is upsetting you Davie, my lad?My Daddy has missed my first school play,There was a meeting that ran late.
Davie is sulking, he’s a little bit sad,What is upsetting you Davie, my lad?Daddy missed my first team footy match,He was stuck working late tonight.
Davie is angry, he’s a little bit sad,What is upsetting you Davie my lad?Our Dad forgot to get us from school,The teacher had to call my mom.
Davie is fighting, he’s a little bit sad,What is upsetting you Davie my lad?That kid said my Dad doesn’t love Mum,He stays at work to avoid her.
Davie is smiling, he’s a little bit sad,What is upsetting you Davie my lad?I graduated uni today,Dad missed it as he is abroad.
Davie is standing, he’s a little bit sad,What is upsetting you Davie my lad?Dad had a heart attack last weekend,He collapsed at his computer.
Davie is crying, but he doesn’t seem too sad,What is upsetting you Davie my lad?My wife had a baby, a big boy,I am so damn happy right now!
And Davie was there for Jamie's first play,And made it to his first footy game,He picked Jamie up from school EVERY day,And took all his friends to the park to play.When Jamie graduated,Davie stood up and cheered,Happy to see the dear son he had reared.Davie was there for every moment he could.And when Jamie stood crying,Happy to see his new child,He sat and he smiled and saidI am going to be just like my Dad.

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