Day 147: Entertain Monsieur Flâneur.

Posted on the 08 October 2011 by Ellacoquine @ellacoquine

Illustration by Garance Doré

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me? I think that's the expression that I'm looking for. When will it end? 

Saying that, yesterday was interesting as you can imagine from my introduction. On my way home from Franprix where I picked up my Friday night goodies of wine, cheese and chickpeas to nibble on while I catch up on my reading and online gossip sites, I bumped into Garçon Flâneur, the bite-size younger brother of Monsieur Flâneur on rue de Bretagne. After our double bises and small talk, he told me something rather disturbing but at this point it's far from surprising.
It turns out that 'the someone' whom I thought was a friend, the same 'someone' who had told my only (at the time) girlfriends in Paris horrible things that I had supposedly said about them in this person's sick attempt to isolate me after Monsieur Flâneur ended things had stricken again. Rumor has it that this person had gone ahead and given Monsieur Flâneur my blog address. Yes, my blog. As in this one you're reading right now about moving on from him. This blog where he is having his Anglophone friends translate for him...including this sentence. Excuse me while I make this easier for him. Salut toi. Ça fait trop longtemps. T'es content maintenant? T'as bien trouvé mon blog. Wahou. Pizza pour tout le monde. Amuse-toi.
Am I mad at MF for reading my blog? No, his shit list extends a lot farther than this and is nothing in comparison to the merde he put me through this past year, so I'll give him the satisfaction of enjoying his new role as an internet villain. And honestly, I would do the same thing if I were in his place. Absolutely. I'd love to read juice about an ex on clean and tidy little website. But am I disappointed in the person who gave it to him? Fuck yeah. It was mean spirited and designed to cause trouble because things were getting a little too quiet in Ella land. The sublet situation has finally settled where she admitted to the crime, I got everything back (I hope), my heart is mending and I am finally content after 6 months of pain, so why not throw MF back into the sauce to "liven" things up a bit around here. Paris was getting boring.
And before said person tries to justify their heinous action with "MF has a right to know what is said about him on the internet." No he doesn't because no one knows who MF is or what he looks like. I have taken measures to change details about his life in order to protect his identity. The only reason why I exposed Katie was because she was hiding out with over 10 thousand dollars of my things that she stole, otherwise I would have masked her identity as well.
This is so annoying but let me once again wrap up this deceit in a nice little 'Ella Life Lesson' package. Being an expat, I think the standards of exceptable behavior in a friendship are somewhat lowered as we are trying to connect on some level being so far away from home. In these past two years, I have certainly let things slide in order to keep the peace and say to myself that I have friends here, things that people in New York would never get away with and in fact never do.