Illustration by Nan Lawson
On a late night google search researching other blogs to discover, I stumbled across the fabulous Simply Solo: Single Girl Starting Over. Sound like anyone you know?
After reading several posts, a favorite being a dissection on why Mr. Big from Sex and the City is a bad influence and in short is kind of an asshole, I simple had to e-mail the author Catherine to offer my praise! Catherine promptly wrote back and after taking a peek at my blog, offered me to write a guest post for her site.
Frankly, I was a little nervous to submit an article to another blog. Being the editor-in-chief, art director, copy-editor, proof-reader, research manager and assistant, publisher and intern gives me carte blanche over the material published here at the world-renowned Tales from the Chambre de Bonne where I'm aware of my readers and am able to experiment. I haven't written my experience for anyone else before and what if she hated what I wrote?
I decided to throw caution to the wind and do what I know how to do best and write from the heart. Here's what I whipped up:
Getting Dumped in Paris
Thank you Catherine for including me in your empowering blog! I wish I found you back when I was in the "thick of it"!
Merci mille fois.