DAY 3: Lesson Learnt

Posted on the 31 July 2012 by Nicky83 @thebigthreezero
I have memories albeit vague ones of a time when I was 21 and at university of me playing as hard as I worked. After a day of lectures we would often ‘pop’ in the pub for a swift which always ended up being a night of drinking until the early hours. The next day i would be in class poised with pad and pen ready to learn with the only evidence of the night before being told by my squiffy eyes.
(Swift drink after uni)
Now things are different. It has been 3 days since my birthday celebrations and I am only just beginning to feel human again. So I have learnt that with age my body can NO longer copewith binge drinking, unless of course I have 3 days to recover by sitting and watching trashy TV, eating junk and drinking litres of fizzy pop.

I am not saying that I am giving up drinking completely though......Time to act my age and drink in moderation.