Day 329: Quelle Connasse!

Posted on the 10 April 2012 by Ellacoquine @ellacoquine

The weather was absolutely gorgeous on Easter Sunday, the sun was shining, the petals were blowing off of the trees creating a picturesque flower shower in my mom's backyard and the temperature was just perfect to sport my Easter best. Before going to dinner at my grandmother's house, Séb and I stopped by the hospital to drop off a fuschia orchid and the box of macarons from Paris that we were originally planning on bringing to Easter dinner, but figured my family who was at the hospital could use them more. And they did. We spent a few hours with my cousins Ginger and Vinny who are the ones who are truly suffering from this tragedy, and kept them in light spirits with sugar and bubbly antidotes. They particularly enjoyed the story about Séb telling my grandparents the night before that he brought his handcuffs to New York and my grandmother telling him that she read an article on how S&M is coming back. Unfortunately, I was getting a box of sugar for our coffee in the basement before I could save the conversation from confusing Séb and my grandparents thinking that we have an openly kinky sex life. Do you know how many times that I've told him several times that handcuffs and cufflinks are two completely different things?
Séb and I were the last to arrive at my grandparents where it was full company. Feeling drained from the hospital, Séb and I kept to ourselves before easing into surface conversations about the weather and how the champagne brings out the flavor in the smoked salmon. Just as the bubbly was working its effervescent magic, the doorbell rang. It was Uncle Giuseppe whom I adore...and Maryvette, his 29 year old girlfriend who...well let's just say, I don't exactly love. I really have tried hard to like her but it's hard to appreciate someone who gives off this pretentious air that her acquired grandiose life style somehow makes her better than everyone else. Whenever I think that I'm being harsh and judgmental, she says something so insulting that legitimizes my suspicions that she is evil. "It's so funny," she said in a way that I knew what was following was going to be everything but funny...especially to me, "Every time I see you, you always have a new boyfriend. I mean, really what's your secret? How do you reel them all in?" she asked feciously while speaking loud enough for Séb to hear and looking at Angelo's wife Josephine - who knows this is a sensitive topic for me - for approval to mock me.
Fuck. You.
This coming from the girl who tweeted to five thousand of her followers that my uncle was diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer and fucking hashtagged his company, all because she was annoyed with him that day. La classe. I could have stooped to her level and called her out on her poor behavior regarding relationships, after this demoralizing comment, but there's something about spending a weekend in a hospital, watching someone you love on life support that puts things into perspective. "Well, we all misjudge characters and don't see people for who they really are, and unfortunately by the time we realize that this person is not right for us and who don't have your best interests at heart, you have already introduced them to your entire family," I said as I stared into her, "Don't you think it's better to move on than to hold on to a foul person just for the sake of staying with the same awful, disgusting person?" At this point, Séb who heard what she had said, leaned over as we both stared back at her, patiently waiting for her response. She took this moment as an opportunity to praise my grandmother for her delicious meal.

I thought so, bitch. 

I avoided Maryvette for the rest of the evening and focused on pursuing conversation with my real family - Séb in particular. People like her never cease to amaze me with their snarky remarks, holier-than-thou attitude and false perceptions on what really is important in life. I'm nothing but thankful for moments like these because it reminds me that no matter where life takes me, what I have accomplished (or failed at) and the person who I have become, I am no better than anyone and treat others the way that I would be treated. A sour attitude, cruel heart and permanent bitch face makes all of her Lanvin ballet flats, Louis Vuitton bags and Balenciaga sunglasses ugly and cheap because beauty truly does come from within.