Day 5 of 31 Days of Pinterest

Posted on the 05 May 2012 by Fantasticfrugal @afrugalblogger

Now this is one of the projects I have actually done lol. I have tons pinned and don't get to try them all but this one was a lot of fun and super easy and Cheap. Keep in mind we where making 4 of them so we used the following

~ 4 bottles of gel (the dollar tree was the only place I could find clear)
~ Ziploc bags.
~ glitter/metal confetti I got a pack with both glitter and confetti (at dollar tree)
~ Food coloring (we used bright neon)
~ Fun duct tape (optional, the pin that inspired this didn't)
The pin came from here
My tips would be this. Use a little less than a bottle too much gel makes it hard to draw on. Use brand name freezer ziploc bags. I worried the cheaper thinner bags would pop and trust me you don't want dyed glitter gel all over the house. Which brings me to the next point. KEEP AWAY FROM NAUGHTY PUPPIES. He had a very colorful coat of fur for a few days, almost changed his name to spike lol. And edge the bags with duct tape. That idea came from another friend who tried this project as an extra safety measure plus they look cooler.