Today was not a typical Monday where I would be unpleasant, scowling and simply awful to be around. This Monday, I was calm and reflective over the past few months here in Paris. It was my last Monday that I will have at my job as the countdown to my final days as a photocopy assistant are coming to a screeching halt; effective Friday. I'm amazed that I am starting to feel a bit nostalgic but this is a normal reaction whenever turning the page on to the next chapter. Normally the next chapter is more clear whereas now, I'm not really sure what the next move will be.
Business as usual, I went to my Monday night Butts and Abs class and before coming home, I stopped at Franprix to regain my burned calories with some Prociutto, Proseco and Mozzerella to treat myself to a last Monday apero while watching the sunset over the rooftops in the Marais.
I was climbing my 4 story walk up when I saw the elderly woman who lives across the courtyard from me inching down the stairs towards me. I don't see my neighbors as often as I did in Brooklyn where there was probably a bit too much activity, so I enjoy crossing paths with my neighbors in my quiet old Parisian building. I moved over to the right to give her the railing and greeted her with the customary 'Bonsoir'. She looked up to return the pleasantry but took a double look with wide eyes when she recognized it was me. "Oh Mademoiselle" she said, slightly out of breath from the stairs. These stairs really are a pain in the ass, I thought it was just me. I took no comfort in seeing living proof that after what I can imagine to be 50 years, these walk-ups don't get any easier or enjoyable to shlep up. She motioned for me to stop at the landing to talk to me. I met her and she came a few inches away from my face, dramatically looked left and then looked right to see if anyone was around before launching into the fact that the entire building can see me in the bathroom through what I thought were frosted windows. My bathroom window which faces the kitchens of my neighbors on the other side of the building with only a small courtyard providing space in between. You've got to be fucking kidding me.
She then offered suggestions on where I could buy curtains and that the sales at BHV were still happening. I have been in this apartment for almost 6 months and doing very bathroom-like things apparently for all to see. No wonder why the man directly across from me never looks at me when I pass him in the hallway.
I later had my friend stand in the bathroom where I looked through the hallway window - yes the hallway is included in my exposition - and to my horror could see everything. Absolutely everything. My windows are practically floor to ceiling and the bathroom itself is quite small so nothing about my physique, shadows where I should be waxed or bathroom duties were left to the imagination.
I am now the naked girl in my building. Naked girl who is publicly in dire need a bikini wax.