Diaries Magazine

Day 9 of 31 Days of Pinterest

Posted on the 09 May 2012 by Fantasticfrugal @afrugalblogger
When I came across this pin "What to do when nap time ceases" I suddenly wish I had a time machine so I could go back a few years when I had napping children. My youngest is 3.5 and gave up naps around a year ago when we stopped nursing. While chances of me getting a 13, 10, 6 and 3.5 year old to start napping now are slim to none I may be able to pull off quiet time. It does sound lovely, and may get myself to bed at a normal hour for a change. I usually stay up late because I spend all day being the mom once I finally get them all off to bed I want some "me time" Now its a safe bet that I can't put anything in a box that will satisfy my 10 & 13 year olds unless its something I can change weekly. I could just assign a book and give them some head phones, my 6 & 3 year old however should be pretty easy to entertain with the contents of a box. I think I will add some bottled water and a snack to mine too because I know they will start with the "I'm Starrrrrrrving" during their first protest.
I also think it would be beneficial for everyone to be in their own rooms we currently have two to a room but after spring cleaning we plan to do some moving around and utilize our spare room so if I put one in my room during this "quiet time" we just may pull it off....
Day 9 of 31 days of Pinterest

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