Day Zero

Posted on the 25 April 2017 by Ravenswingthog @ravenswingthog
Today, dear readers, is day zero.  It is the last day before the counting commences.
It is the last day... that my wife is here.
To halt the dramatics, allow me to explain that she's off to Australia for three weeks to visit her sister and her partner - my sister-in-law has just given birth to a beautiful baby girl, and my wife will be starting her journey to Melbourne tomorrow morning to help out for a few weeks.  As I write this bags are being packed.
As a result, me and our son will be fending for ourselves.  We broke the news to him yesterday, but he seems more put out by the fact that he's going back to school after two weeks off than his mom not being around (this will change the first time he has an accident or I annoy him or something!)
In preparation for taking over the cooking duties, I made a huge vat of anonymous mash vegetables for freezing.

I had the bright idea, you see, that I could make a load of mashed potatoes, and mix in it some other vegetables, to get some nutrition into mine and my sons diets, to try to start off on the right foot and not be resorting to takeaways every night.
However, it's pretty obvious in the picture above that it isn't pure top-quality mashed potato, and I suspect I'm going to be eating most of that myself.  I did add some bacon into the vegetables when they were boiling to add flavour, interestingly while they didn't add any flavor to the vegetables the process did succeed in sucking all of the tasty bacon flavor from the bacon itself.  Eating flavourless bacon is odd, trust me.
So cross your fingers for these next twenty six or so days of freedom.  Perhaps by the end of it I'll have learned to cook!