I appreciated them both for their talent and felt sad for tragic wasted lives. But I just couldn't write a tribute. "I will always like you" just didn't have the same ring to it.
But with Davy Jones - The cheeky little Monkee from Manchester - I'm quite happy to jump on that band waggon.

Listening to 5Live on the radio this morning to all the old songs which formed the very fabric of my childhood. The Banana Splits, The Double Deckers and The Monkees - this was my Saturday morning sound track.
"Here we come - walking down the street - get the funniest looks from - everyone we meet. Hey Hey we're the Monkees ......"
Mickey Dolenz with his crazy hair and maracas, Peter Tork in his cowboy outfit (and over sized gun holster), Mike Nesmith with his woolly hat and cute little Davy with his transatlantic accent and big brown eyes.
It was all thoroughly up lifting and good fun. Put your hand up if you've 'happy drunk' sung your lungs out to 'Day Dream Believer' at the end of a great night out.
Not got your hand up? I don't believe you!
I am genuinely sad that the little fella has left us, and so as a tribute to him - I'm going to spend the day Monkee-ing around, getting the funniest looks from everyone I meet.
I suggest you do the same - as a tribute! I'll report back how I get on.

In the mean time - shall we cheer up sleepy Jean? If this doesn't make you feel warm, fuzzy and nostalgic then nothing will.
RIP Davy Jones.
Click here to watch the video.
Oh, I could hide 'neath the wings of the bluebird as she sings
The six o'clock alarm would never ring
But it rings and I rise wipe the sleep out of my eyes
The shavin' razor's cold, and it stings
Cheer up, sleepy Jean, oh what can it mean
To a daydream believer and a homecoming queen?
You once thought of me as a white knight on his steed
Now you know how happy I can be
Oh, and our good times start and end without dollar one to spend
But how much baby do we really need?
Cheer up, sleepy Jean, oh what can it mean
To a daydream believer and a homecoming queen?
Cheer up, sleepy Jean, oh what can it mean
To a daydream believer and a homecoming queen?