There is one Festival though that has been there quietly in the background all along. One of the longest running festivals in East Kent, it has carved a path for all who would follow. The Deal Festival is a true trailblazer, and it is about to enter its 34th year of celebrations.

Whilst at the Sounds New Festival, I got chatting with one of the organisers, Willie Cooper just before Led Bib were about to take the stage.She mentioned the Deal Festival, which she is heavily involved in the organization of, and asked if I would be willing to blog about it for her.I jumped at the chance, and that is how it came about that a few weeks later I was slurping a mix berry smoothie in the Gulbenkian Café, chatting about all things related to the Deal Festival with Willie and the Chairman, Graham Harvey.
As we talk, I get a full insight into the background of the Deal Festival, and why it is still going strong after such a long innings.Both Willie and Graham display enthusiasm and pride in their Festival, words tripping over each other as they talk about the world exclusives that will be showcased throughout the week.

There is music here for everybody, whether you love a genre or want to try out new things.The Festival offers real, cultured live music from the world’s best.There is dance and comedy and a real ownership by the local community who turn out in force to celebrate.Local businesses say that the best two times of the year are Christmas and the Deal Festival with people visiting this little coastal mining town from all over the world.Willie leans forward, her eyes shining as she explains to me that Deal has always been a center of culture and has always had musicians living and working in the town.There is a huge legacy from the mining brass band culture and this year the Festival is welcoming the best Brass Band in the world, The Cory Band, to its shores.Young people in the area have already had the chance to rehearse with them and will play alongside them on Saturday 5th July at 7.30pm at the Nye Hall in the Duke of York’s School in nearby Dover.

Planning takes place at least 18 months in advance, in addition to regular events throughout the year and the Deal Festival Summer Music School held in Dover and attended by 60-100 individuals over the course of a week from the 4th August.

Deal is the jewel in Kent’s Crown and the Festival proves that it can be more than just aesthetically pleasing.Deal can be vibrant and artistic, a true center of culture.The Deal Festival is taking place from the 27th June to the 6th July with over 25 unique events to sample.For a full programme and event booking information, please go the website
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