Dear 2015, Welcome!

Posted on the 31 December 2014 by Chasingjoy @chasing_joy
Dear 2015,
I start this letter the same way I start every letter welcoming a new year, by saying wow I can't believe you are here already.  2014 went by really fast.  It 2014 was not my favorite year so I am anxiously awaiting your arrival in less than 24 hours.
In my farewell letter to 2014 I explained how I might have set my hopes too high and how the year let me down.  However, the truth is I let myself down too.  I did not accomplish much in 2014. Perhaps because, similar to this year, 2014 arrived faster than I thought and I was not prepared.  I did not have any real plans for the year and no concrete goals.  There were things I said I wanted to do during 2014, things like completing my vision board and adapting some minimalist habits. Well I didn't do any of them.  Many things in 2014 were beyond my control but perhaps if I had planned better for the things within my control, 2014 would have been better.
So 2015, I am starting this year with high expectations for you too. I am expecting improvements in my home life, social life, career, health, and family life.  The difference between your year and 2014 is this time I am going to do my part.  This year I am setting a few goals along with timelines that will keep me focused throughout the year.  I am  making a stronger commitment to pro-activity while chasing joy.
Here goes:
January - Complete Vision Board, have important conversation with my superior at work,
February - Complete a list of 52 Affirmations
March - Decrease my wardrobe by 10%
April - Come up with 6 low carb meals that I love!
May - Go to the dentist, go to the dermatologist.
June - Print out draft of Chasing Joy Book
July - Develop a daily and weekly cleaning schedule
August - Come up with 6 new fruit or veggie focused recipes that I love!
September - Update Vision Board
October - Try every activity on the 40 ways to have fun alone or with friends list.
November - De-clutter bathroom and kitchen cabinets
December - Develop daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly cleaning schedules.
In addition to the things listed above I have a few ongoing things that I will be focusing on this year.  I still need to improve in the confidence area.  I'll get back to updating my Law of Attraction Goals and  my 35 for 35 goals monthly.  I am going to actually call friends on the phone and talk to them weekly.  2015, once upon a time we used to use phones for talking not just texting, IG, and watching Netflix. I am planning a really cool Pinterest Project that will last all year long (details on that coming soon).   Lastly I am going to really focus on decreasing my negative thinking. It's amazing how much negative thinking we all do and it really needs to stop.
2015, I know that there will be some things that you have planned that I cannot even imagine.  I pray that they are good things that will bring me much joy.  The plans that I am laying out for the year are not serving as some sort of checklist to guarantee me a better year.  They are simply a way of keeping me engaged in my own happiness.  I cannot control you 2015 any more than I could control 2014. But I can try to be happier in all aspects of my life.
I am very happy to welcome you 2015.  I am anticipating your arrival with optimism and not fear.  I am thinking of all of the opportunities for fun times that are ahead of me.  I am thinking of a big change to my personal life that I will  hopefully be sharing on Chasing Joy in the future.  I am thinking of all of the blessings that are in store for me and everyone else in 2015.
Welcome 2015.  I am so happy to see you!
Do you already have some goals set for 2015?  What would you write in a letter to 2015.