Dear 31 Year Old Self...

Posted on the 06 August 2012 by Gandbblog @GandBblog
Yikes. Did I just say 31? Wow. That's surreal. 
I feel like 31 years old is such a leap from my current 26. Although I think I will never get to 30, I hear once you do life just flies by. Let's hope I sit down every once in a while and take it all in. Let's hope you do the same. 
Today, I am linking up with Jessica from Lovely Little Things for her Smell the Roses task. When I saw this task, I knew that I would like it. I wrote a letter to myself back when I was 21 and occasionally I go back and read it. Life definitely hasn't turned out like I thought it would. I mean that in the best way possible. My life turned out way better than I had dreamed. I know it will be the same when I read this next letter in five years. 
Dear Melissa,
Well, you're 31 now. What's that like? I am sure it is much different than 26. I hope that you are now a mother, even if I swear I am not having kids. If you are a mother, I know you are rocking it. Well, life I mean, not just the baby :). I hope that you also pursued your dream of having a PhD. If so, then hello Dr. Barrett, nice to meet you. Also, can I have your number so I can get some advice from you? I think that there is something really cool about being able to pursue your educational dreams. Don't be held back even if you are scared or you think you'll go broke. It's what you've always wanted. So go for it. I also hope that you are in better shape since you've struggled with weight and fitness. I hope that you are a hot mom, if you are one! I think that the past five years have really changed you and made you better. I know that you are in a place where you're settled in your life, marriage, and your body. I envy you 31 year old self, because after the past five years, you've grown and some things are just more figured out. I know that the next five years will be even better, but please, try and enjoy it. Don't freak out about your age or where you are in life, just enjoy it. Be the best Christian, mother, lover, wife, sister, aunt, daughter, you can be. Everything else will fall into place.
Your 26 year old self.