Dear Andie... You Are 10 Months Old!

Posted on the 11 March 2014 by Thenigottothinking @tracyzlesh
My sweet, silly, scrumptious daughter Andie,
10 months old. . . another month has passed and my goodness you grew, flourished, and got even more spunky!  You are really coming into your own, and I am amazed at how well you communicate with us  with out words (besides "maaa-ma" and "da-da-da-da").  You know how to get exactly what you want, and we are not very good at saying "no"!
You are truly a great baby.  You do so well getting pulled around on multiple errands, at the gym with the other kids, and sitting in the high chair at restaurants.  You smile, let people hold you, and as long as your needs are met, you do very well just "chillin'".  We realize the time of you running around, wanting down, and exploring is coming soon, so we are just enjoying it now while it lasts. :)
The BIG thing that happened this month??  You got not just one, but TWO teeth.  On February 15th, we saw the first tooth popping in, and your second one followed closely behind, coming in March 9th.  You were uncomfortable and in some pain, but you really were a trooper.  We gave you a little tylenol and that seemed to take the edge off.  You had a few nights where you woke up in pain, but otherwise, you did so well.  It was a very bittersweet thing for me to see that first tooth, it feels like you really are growing up, whether I like it or not.
You eat like a little champ.  You like almost everything you have tried.  For the first time this month, we took you to Pinkberry and you loved it!!  We only give you a few little bites, but you scream with excitement when we are there.  You have also been loving organic puffs, mom mums, broccoli, sweet potatoes, and yogurt.  Every morning lately, you have been eating an entire banana, I think it might be your favorite food right now.
You are very fast at crawling, especially when you see the pantry door open.  I sometimes can't run fast enough to catch you.  You love taking rides in your cozy coupe, you stand and walk (with assistance) anywhere, and you scale the kitchen cabinets.  You also love to push our barstools and kitchen chairs everywhere.  Right now, you love books, toys that play music, and Max & Zeus.  I talk to you all day long and sometimes you talk back, which I think is so cute!
You are a dancing queen!  Gramz and Pops came over to spend time with you while Dada and I had a date night and Gramz taught you the "Happy" song.  You dance anytime it comes on, and it is one of the cutest things I have ever seen.  You light up when you see Gramz, Pops, your cousins, aunties, and Uncle Joe.
You are a tiny little thing - I weighed you at a scale at the baby store and it said you were around 17 pounds.  You wear size 3 diapers, 9 month and 6-12 month clothes, and are starting to wear some shoes.  You still have a little chubbiness to your cheeks, but you have thinned out with all of the moving you do!  You sleep well at night - usually go down between 7:30 and 8:30 and wake up around 7am.  You are napping once a day (sometimes twice) for about an hour in the late morning.
You are fearless, throwing yourself off the sides of the couch, taking tumbles out of your toy car, and climbing up stairs.  You love plugs and cords, and nothing can be plugged in with in your reach or else you will find it.  You put every single thing in your mouth - toys, decorations, shoes, anything you can find.  You're quite the explorer.  I have also been told by several people that you are smart - you are very observant and can focus on people very well.  You are not a fan of diaper and outfit changes lately... luckily, we can usually get through it with a little distraction.
You, my baby, are the absolute best part of my day.  You bring me so much joy.  Your smiles, arm reaches for me, and snuggles fill my entire body with a feeling of love - it's powerful - unlike anything I have ever felt.  You are such a sweet & snuggly baby. . . I am overwhelmed by you all the time.  You make me and your dada so happy.  We love you with every single ounce of ourselves.
I hate so much that time is passing so quickly, the only thing that keeps me going is that every month new and exciting things happen and I feel so fortunate that I get to witness it all.  You are the best!
Love you to the moon and back times infinity (I tell you that all the time),