Sweet, smiley, blonde, beautiful baby Andie. . .
You are 9 months old. You've been outside in the world - growing, learning, thriving - for just about the same amount of time as you were inside of me. Every month that passes just keeps getting better, something unfathomable to me.
You are becoming increasingly active, you've mastered the ability to pull up on everything and anything - including our barstools which you also happened to pull on top of you, adding a nasty bruise to the side of your head. You have also become very good at going from sitting, to crawling, back to sitting, then standing and gracefully sitting again. You're crawling on all 4s and occasionally still army crawling - and you are fast!! One of my favorite things you do a lot of is dancing... anytime you hear music you start shaking your booty, even if it's just someone singing to you.
You're curious, observant, and fearless. Being tossed into the air has never phased you, and now, it's even used as a cure for the occasional fussies. When you smile, your entire face lights up, including those baby blue eyes. I am pretty sure you are going to have one of "those" smiles your whole life... the kind that have the ability to light up a room. Your smile is bright, and also toothless. 9 months old, and no sign of teeth yet. But your hair has been coming in thick and blonde for months.
You are wearing size 6, 9, and 6-12 month clothes. Your 9 month jammies are still quite big, mainly in length because you are very petite. You are in size 3 diapers and still not a fan of wearing shoes or socks.
You have been doing well with your sleeping habits - going about 10-11 hours through the night. You have your occasional night where you wake up and want to be held for a few minutes, but I am very grateful for the sleep you've been giving me.
Watching you play with toys has been fascinating. In the past month, you've grown attached to more toys and you're getting good at turning on music on your stand and play. You love Peppy the Penguin, your car, your dolly, shape blocks, and pretty much anything else that is colorful. You also smile, scream and laugh when we put a blanket over your head and say "where's Andie?!".
You went to the gym child care with me for the first time in the last month and did very well. You started liking "the wheels on the bus" because they sang that to you, and of course, you loved the other kids. You kick your feet and swing your arms because you get so excited when you see other kids. You love to steal their toys, look at them, and watch everything they do. You also are a big fan of your gramz and pops, aunties, and uncle Joe - you immediately know who they are and smile when you see them.
You have several nicknames - demAndie, little butts, baby girl, and missy moo. I love going in your room in the morning and seeing your little smile and starting my day with a "gooood morning Andie!" You are such a love bug. You cuddle and snuggle with everyone (especially with me) and it is the best thing in the whole world.
You're eating very well. You love bananas, apple sauce, sweet potatoes, black beans and puffs. You'll eat almost anything though. I am still breastfeeding you multiple times a day and I love it. You started giving big open mouth kisses in the last couple days... and we love it!
You are so special to me and the mama/daughter bond is already so strong. You are such a good little girl and we feel so lucky every single day to have you!
I love you times infinity,