Dear Chrissy Lampkin

Posted on the 01 January 2014 by Sonica Jackson @sonicajackson

Sigh. Please say it ain’t so. I tried my best not to believe the recent news about you that has been circulating all over the internet, about a brawl that you were involved in on Sunday. I really didn’t want to believe that someone as beautiful and as smart as you are, would actually beat up a patron in a bar because “she sat on the same sofa that you were sitting on and she ACCIDENTLY bumped into someone.” There’s no way in the world that I wanted to believe that you beat this girl up so bad that she had to go to the hospital and get stitches around her eye area. But then again, you do have a tendency to not control your emotions, hence the hard-to-watch beat down that you gave to Kimbella on Love & Hip Hop PLUS the childish altercation that you had with Yandy in a club.

Don’t get me wrong; we ALL have a past. We have all done some things that were downright ridiculous, including myself. But there comes a times when enough is enough and we have to put the foolishness aside. Take a good look at yourself and be honest; can you honestly say that you’re proud of how you are? Can you honestly say that beating up a patron to the point where she had to be hospitalized, was a monumental moment in your life? Can you honestly say that you acted your age? If the answers to these questions is “yes”, then you’re not as smart as I thought you were.

It kinda makes me sad that you’re older than me, but yet, you don’t have more wisdom than me. Shouldn’t I be gaining wisdom from you, considering that you’re older than me? I thought that wisdom comes with age but I guess not. If you continue to use your fist to solve a problem, you’re gonna end up in a serious situation that your boyfriend Jim Jones is not gonna be able to get you out of. Translation: Either someone is gonna give you a taste of your own medicine or your life will come to a violent end. Just because you’re on TV doesn’t mean that you are exempt from karma. Everything comes full circle and what you do to other people will be done to you. So if you don’t want it done to you, DON’T DO IT!

See, I’m not gonna be like a lot of your followers on some of these social media sites that are claiming “Team Chrissy” and defending your horrific actions. They can’t help you grow and become a better person in life because they’re too busy being your cheerleader and condoning your foolishness by saying silly mess like, “don’t judge” and “maybe she needed to defend herself” or my upmost favorite, “she’s from New York and they don’t play.”

Let me break down a few things: The whole term “don’t judge” has been exercised way too much when it comes to the actions of others. When someone does something that’s absolutely ridiculous, the first thing that comes flying out of our mouths is “don’t judge.” Just for the record, I’m not judging you. I understand that’s not my place. But a spade is a spade. The “don’t judge” phrase that some of your followers are using is their way of justifying your actions and making it seem like it’s okay to act like an untamed animal. But Chrissy, it’s NOT okay.

Secondly, I don’t believe for one minute that you were in a position where you had to “defend yourself” against this patron in the bar. Considering how you have portrayed yourself on TV on several occasions, girlfriend was probably another victim of your infamous I-just-feel-like-going-off-for-no-reason psychotic episodes. I do understand that people have to defend themselves sometimes. If you have no other choice, that’s totally understandable. But if all the patron did was sit next to you on a couch and she accidently bumped someone, then your attack on this girl was NOT self-defense. If anything, SHE should’ve been using self-defense towards YOU.

And third, don’t listen to your followers who thinks that it’s okay to act unruly simply because you’re from New York. Here’s a lil’ news flash: no one cares that you’re from New York. Just because you are from New York and you may have come from a rough environment, doesn’t mean that you have to live your adult years with that type of hit-first-and-ask-questions-later mentality. Regardless of where you’ve come from or how dark your past may be, you can still go on to do extraordinary things in life, make history (in a good way), and show these young girls how they can grow up to be real women.

But first, you have to do some growing up of your own. Here’s how:

1. Apologize. Period. You know that you were completely out of line for brutally attacking this woman.  I don’t care if she sat next to you and farted. That’s still not an excuse to do what you did to her. And so now, you may be looking at a lawsuit because of it. Was it worth it? Nope.

2. Chrissy, you’re in your forties. Don’t you think that you’re just a lil’ too old to be fighting in the clubs? It’s not a good look at all. If you wanna fight, use your mind and fight to end racism. Fight to end world hunger. Fight for things that can make a difference. Because you are on TV, you have a platform. USE IT WISELY. Put down your fist and pick up some self-respect. Society is very unfair when it comes to women of color and so if you choose not to get in control of your emotions, they will see you as this “angry Black woman” who’s a ghetto hoodrat that can’t control herself.

3. Pray often. Actually, this should’ve been number one but I wanted to point out the obvious. We’re not perfect individuals and so whenever we’re trying to change something about ourselves, you can best believe that it’s gonna require some hard work, dedication and most importantly, PRAYER. Trust and believe that God is not smiling down from heaven every time you decide to go on a rampage and hurt someone. Contrary to what others may believe, you may not be able to control your environment but you can control the way that you deal with it. So if you sincerely wanna behave better, pray that God shows you a different way to deal with anger and certain situations. I promise you that He will definitely answer that kind of prayer.

4. Clean out your closet (and I’m not talking about the clothes in your closet). If you are hanging with a crew of so-called friends that are not helping you to grow, maybe you should look into separating yourself from them…even if that means that you have to end certain relationships that you’ve had for years. I know that may sound harsh but if certain people are not pushing you to be better, then they are wasting your time and your years. Surround yourself with people that want nothing but the best for you and will check you instantly (in love) when they see that you’re making a fool of yourself. REAL friends do that for each other. And furthermore, if your real friends choose not to associate with you anymore because of your behavior, don’t get mad and don’t blame them. Sometimes, people have to pull away from you until you CHOOSE to do better because they don’t want your actions to rub off on them and they end up embarrassing themselves. Remember the phrase, “birds of a feather, flock together?”

Chrissy, I know that I’m not your mama. I’m also not a preacher. I’m not trying to have a “the children are our future” moment with you. And I’m not Dr. Phil or Ilyana Vanzant. I can’t “Fix Your Life.” But who I am, is a woman that sees another woman who’s about to miss out on some tremendous blessings in her life because of the way that she deals with people. Don’t think for one minute that you’re not being watch. With that being said, if you are known for being the type of woman that uses violence to get her point across and lashes out at people, it might be hard for major corporations to take you seriously and work with you because they don’t wanna have to deal with a walking time bomb. That’s why I’m saying what I’m saying to you. So in a nutshell, do better so that you can have the best life for the rest of your life.
