Dear Hubby

Posted on the 27 March 2014 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
Dear Gary,

I owe you an apology. I have been a jerk (that's putting it nicely) lately with everything. I blame it on the move, but I think you deserve more of an explanation than that. I am just wanting our life to get back to normal. I want our house to be home and put together like it was in Phoenix. I want our savings account to be like it once was. I don't know why I am so consumed with making everything go back to normal. 

I'm sorry for not talking to you about this. I feel bad that I have put everything on my shoulders and not sharing with you. I just wanted you to only focus on your job. I didn't want you to worry about anything at home. I'm sorry for be more of a loving wife that you deserve. I have been distant and cold. I want you to know that I love you so much. I am so proud of everything that you have accomplished and what you are going to accomplish moving forward. I can't wait to see where it goes, and being on this journey with you. 

This upcoming month (coincidentally our anniversary month) I have goals to be a better wife to you. I want to make you a priority right after our relationship with God. I feel horrible that this falls on our anniversary month, because I should be a great wife every month. and every day.  

thank you so much for everything you do for me. and Heisman. 
Thank you for letting me be crazy and have my meltdowns during the move. You just let me yell and scream and cry. You just listened and held me. I appreciate it so much. 

Thank you so much for giving me the life. Even though I always say you spoil me because you do but I do appreciate it. Just like our first Royals game. 

Thank you for being in charge of the finances. 

Thank you for saying that I am beautiful everyday. Even if I am wearing sweats and a hoodie AND not matching!  I could literally go on and on but thank you so much!!  I love you so much!!