Dear Nolan... You're 9 Months Old!

Posted on the 29 September 2015 by Thenigottothinking @tracyzlesh
My baby boy...
It's been a month of "mama", meaning you have become quite the mama's boy and I love it!  Currently, you will also go to your daddy and a few close family members, but the stage of stranger danger has set in.  I talked to your doctor today at your 9 month well check and she said it is totally normal.  I love seeing you reach for me and I have gotten pretty good at doing things with you attached to my hip.  You also started saying "ma ma" - and I will take that as your first word!!  I absolutely love this stage with you.  You are such a little love bug.
It has also been a huge month for you with crawling.  You started out the month lunging yourself forward and doing little army scoots - and now, within the last two weeks you are a full blown (and fast!) crawler.  Especially in the last 4-5 days you have gotten really fast.  I will set you somewhere to play and a minute later you will be across the room pulled up on anything you can find to stand.  You pulled yourself up to the standing position on your toy box on September 2nd for the first time.  You love standing and I can tell you are very eager to walk!  Andie has loved that you're getting a little bigger and more interactive with her.  You love to 'talk' to her and she makes you giggle!
Daddy and I left you and your sister with Gramz and Pops for our first over night trip at the beginning of September.  We stayed away for 2 nights and missed you like crazy.  When we came back, pops had taught you how to give high fives.  You changed so much in 48 hours... it was crazy!  You still love to snuggle with your pops.  He can always get you to sleep and sometimes you will just want to lay on his chest and "chill".  It is so adorable!
You love food, especially foods you can feed yourself.  I have started giving you little bits of everything we eat, on top of baby food.  You are eating less baby food now and more finger foods.  You still love vegetables, especially sweet potatoes.  You are still breastfeeding on demand through out the day and night.  You are not a fan of having your diaper or clothes changed.  You wiggle around and roll every time we try, which definitely keeps things interesting.  You are not the best sleeper - you're still usually up 2, sometimes 3 times a night.  But it's almost always a quick snack and you're back to sleep.  Occasionally I find myself hanging out in there with you in my arms rocking while you sleep because I love to feel you there.  It's crazy how quickly our bond has grown.
You took your second flight this month on our trip to Maui.  You did pretty well, except for a small stint on the flight home where you were really uncomfortable because of your teeth.  We were able to calm you down and you loved to play peek a boo with other people on the flight who were loving on you.  You seemed to like Maui - you enjoyed being in the water, taking naps on me by the pool and ocean, and going into the ocean.  Even though you won't remember this trip, I will always have fond memories of you there.  I danced with you on the lanai our first night there.  I closed my eyes and tried to just soak you in... I know this time is passing so fast.  And now I can always say I have your first Hawaiian dance.  We went with lots of friends and it was a fabulous trip!
Today you weighted 19 pounds 5 ounces.  You're only in the 45% for weight, but you are long, 2 feet 5 inches, which is the 68% for height.  You have started to lean out a little bit with all of the crawling and movement.  You are wearing mostly 12 month clothes and some 12-18 months.  You bumped up to a size 4 diaper this month.  You smile so easily and will giggle at almost anything.  You are going to need a hair cut soon - it's a whispy blonde color, I love it!  You have the most beautiful blue eyes.  And all I have to do is close my eyes and I can picture that stunning smile of yours.  You are truly an adorable little baby.  Your daddy and I both love how much you like to cuddle with us.  So often when we are holding you, you snuggle your head into our chest.  It makes us both melt.  There is just something about the way you feel in my arms right now - it's like you fit perfectly.  I really am loving this age with you.  You are so much fun.
9 months old.  My baby boy, you make me so proud.  I know I am not always the best mommy when I am splitting my time between you and your sister, but I hope you feel this intense love I have for you.  I go to sleep every night thinking of you guys... you truly fill me up with so much joy and love.
I love you to the moon and back times infinity.  And I will forever and ever.