We are less than three weeks to your due date, and things are starting to shape up around here. I took some time in the last couple days to go through the clothes we have already been given and sorted them into size categories. I'm not expecting you to be a tiny baby, so I'm going to wash and fold anything that is 0-6 months, expecting you'll be in the 6 month outfits before you hit that milestone :) And even though I know you won't be tiny, I'm sure you will still seem that way when we first bring you home.
cutest little sock I ever did see :)

You gave me a bit of a scare on Monday night, I was having rather strong contractions (Braxton Hicks though, not real ones) and it made me realize I better slow down, AND that you could arrive any time now. I have moments when I don't quite feel ready, but I know when the time comes I'll be waiting with open arms.
There is a bit of a celebration tomorrow with some friends and family in honor of you, and you better be ready to hear lots of high exclamations and to get lots of rubs. It seems now like you stop all your movements when someone else touches my belly, but perhaps you're just a little shy.
It's so close, I can't believe it has almost been 9 months already! Where on earth does the time go? And I better get ready, because the time is only going to faster after you arrive. Well here is to (possibly) three more weeks little one, we will see you soon! :)
Love Always,