places the second stone in the boy’s palm.“I see.” The boy said.“This second stone comes from a jagged cliff by the sea,but it has been abused by the crashing of waves.Over time, this stone has become rough and jagged, but my son, do not be the fool.”The old man cracks open the jagged rock against the smooth texture of the first stone.When the stone is cracked open a vibrant crystal center is revealed.“The most precious things are found in the most unexpected of places.” The old man places aside the first two stonesand picks up the third stone and continues.“This stone is beautiful and captivating,a little rough on the edges here and there,but when you take a closer look…Hold this stone up to the light, my son.”The boy raises the third stone to the sunand it shines, casting a prism onto the sand below the boy’s tan little feet.“Do you see?” The old man asked, smiling at the young boy.“Yes, I see.
There is something amazing within all things. This is a brilliant stone despite its jagged edges.” The boy replied with enlightened eyes.“Indeed. You must remember, sometimes beauty is not so obvious.
Do you see how this stone illuminates
the world around it?”The boy then gazed down at the stone in his palm. When the boy looked up again, the old man was goneand all that was left were stones on the beach…Apryl Skies © 2009-2012
~From A Song Beneath Silence