
Posted on the 16 January 2016 by Rarasaur @rarasaur

We took a detour this morning on my way to work, the long way around, past the ocean whose distance from me can be measured in single digit minutes.

Maybe it's because I am a Virgo Rat, or maybe because I'm type A, or maybe because a million other things that define us in subtle or arguably-non-existent ways,

but I don't like detours.

I feel the weight of them on my chest, flattening and numbing my heart. It doesn't matter if the way is pretty, I gasp to myself- it is not the way.

This morning- tired and anxious- I focused on the world in my hand. I searched the internet for something that would remind me to be still in the middle of my chaos.

I found a page, that led me to a blog, then to a video. The video led a site, then to another blog, which linked to a very old post of mine, from November of 2012, where I wrote about the change (big or small) I'd want my blog to make in the world.

And today, for me... it was just the reminder I was seeking.

It is frightening to lose what you have already found. It is disconcerting to seek what you already know- but maybe the turn you took is exactly where you already were meant to go.

Maybe the person you are becoming is exactly the person you always were.

Maybe there's no such thing as detours,
maybe there's only the way.

There's a lot of maybes and possibilities that can be found in quiet joys, if you remember to search for them.

Remember and search, and have no fear of either:
You are headed in exactly the right direction.

So relax, settle down, and listen to the quiet that joyfully scatters themselves throughout your journey.