Creativity Magazine

Digital Illustrations by Liam Peters

Posted on the 10 January 2016 by 2illustration
Liam PetersLiam Peters is a talented digital artist and freelance illustrator from Brisbane, Australia who currently based in Dallas, Texas. After graduating high school, he enrolled in QANTM College/TAFE and studied Multimedia and 3D animation – it was there he discovered digital art and his love of the Wacom tablet. Liam is always trying to push originality in his paintings; he loves the challenge of creating different costume designs and subtle twists in his work.
Digital Illustrations by Liam Peters
Digital Illustrations by Liam Peters
Digital Illustrations by Liam Peters
Digital Illustrations by Liam Peters
Digital Illustrations by Liam Peters
Digital Illustrations by Liam Peters
Digital Illustrations by Liam Peters
Digital Illustrations by Liam Peters
Digital Illustrations by Liam Peters

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