
Posted on the 22 July 2015 by Shamsud @mysticverse

Rearing and nurturing a bud,
Wondering the outcome?
Do not judge me from behind your eyes!
Do not be a critic; it could be all is a lie;
Circumstances are the labor of birth!
Every footprint an outcome,
Harnessed by the nature from all end,
Do not camouflage your hardback;
With letters dug from the grave!
Words and syllables catered with great care,
To write the destiny of a few;
Do not Judge them by the colour!
Do not be unwitting!!!
Unwilling to unlearn;
Unfurl your anger, undo those hallucinations!
Crafted with hatred in the middle of the night;
Let there be Light!
Rise as the soldier in the battlefield!
Rise like the sun from the depth of the sea!
Rise like the child from the mother’s breast!
Rise for your brothers!
Rise for their sake!
The fewest in the knolls away from life,
Never been touched except for the frost;
They have a lord!
Rise today! Let’s pray our thoughts!!!