…Dive In

Posted on the 07 July 2013 by Zer @the2women

We’re well into the summer vacation season, and with the extra sun and downtime comes summer reading.

It’s that time of year when our inner bookworms get to come out, and we can finally catch up on that stack of novels that’s been piling up on your nightstand (or more likely your Kindle).

Okay, so maybe actually making it through our summer reading list is actually a pipe dream for most if us. In spite of that, we thought we’d share our personal summer reading lists…or at least what we would read if we had the time:


New Read-

  • William Shakespeare’s Star Wars by Ian Doescher: Yes, it’s exactly what it sounds like…assuming you think it sounds like Star Wars as it would have been written by the Bard. (For my fellow nerds, an excerpt: Slate.com)

Old Favorite-

  • The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien: This is one of those books I like to read every so often. Plus with the second installment of the film trilogy coming out this fall, it seems like as good a time as any revisit Middle-earth.

The book that has been on my nightstand for the past month, and I actually do intend to read soon…I promise-

  • Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn: Okay, I know I’m way behind on this one. Making matters even worse, the book sitting on my nightstand is a borrowed copy. I’m hoping that sharing this with the world will guilt me into finally remembering to read it.


Airport Friendly Reading-

  • Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) by Mindy Kaling: This may end up being more a plug for “The Mindy Project” on Fox than anything else, but it’s the show that introduced us to Mindy beyond her role as Kelly of “The Office,” and the reason I picked up this book. Also, I’d finished Tina Fey’s book (also awesome) and was in the mood for another comedienne’s perspective. Here’s an Amazon excerpt for you…prepare to laugh.

The Perfect Summer Read-

  • Austenland  by Shannon Hale: This could easily have gone to any one of Jane Austen’s novels as well (…probably Sense and Sensibility though), but this perspective of the Austen fan mindset is too perfect of a summer read to not share.  Any one who’s ever gone though an Austen phase, so basically every female…ever, can relate to (and secretly envy) our heroine, who is gifted a vacation at an Austen themed (period costume and all) vacation destination.  It’s simply a fun read.  Also, the movie comes out in August…can’t wait! Here’s your excerpt.

The Most Procrastinated Series…Ever-

  • A Feast for Crows by George R.R. Martin: I know. I don’t deserve my dork card.  I will say that I was introduced to the series before the television series (Game of Thrones for those unfamiliar) started, acquired the books shortly after, and have been slowly making my way through them ever since…very slowly. I’ll get there eventually.

…and that’s all folks!  Happy summer reading to you all!


…just for fun:

For those of you who didn’t click on the link above-