Self Expression Magazine

Divine Soul and Blessings

Posted on the 19 January 2013 by Blogbee @blogbee_

Divine Soul and Blessings

These are the expressions of an individual who has been living and excelling in his life through several vicissitudes of time.  During the course of his life journey, he happens to find a soul mate of his choice.  His soul mate made quite a significant impact on his life with her impeccable conduct, intelligent intuitions and human flair.  He is a changed person now who is enjoying the quintessential bliss of his life.  The scribblings connote the power of human being who can bring greater joy in the life of a fellow being through his/her conduct, presence, intelligence or through his / her wholesome personality.  When people go inhibitive and interact with fellow humans with egoistic prejudices it is very difficult to discern the quality of fellow beings.  Such a myopic stand when enjoins the dominating behaviour of self will only let go the most beautiful opportunities of meeting soulful people.

Humans are social animals.  Our life can never be a fulfilled one without the company of a person of our choice.  To make our life beautiful beyond the indulgence of material comforts it is imperative for us to earn the friendship of a beautiful human being.  The definition of beauty may differ from person to person but the need of such friendship is indeed an indispensable element.


It is a world of indifference
Where the pain feared to show its fury
Where the romance failed to prove its power
Where the money lost its place; and
Where the desires felt ashamed
I am the creator of the world
Historically ruling alone
Feeling aggrandized at each attack of pain and desire
There came a day
A divine soul descended on to my world
Bathed me in the plurality of desires
Sprouted its culture all over my world
The culture of divinity and desire
The culture of passion and romance
The culture of life and joy of living
Yes, I am blessed at the serendipity
I salute the soul for Her benevolence
Today I am on cloud nine
For the Divine soul joined me
To make my new world grow forever

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