DIY - Bird Feeder With Ice Cream Sticks

Posted on the 15 July 2016 by Meera

My darling budgies need entertainment everyday. They are active and social birds and so I have to make their day as lively as possible with new toys and interesting activities. From paper clips to dried flower basket and rope swing, budgies love to play with them.

Last week, I decided to present my little birds, a bird feeder. While doing it, I realized this will make a wonderful DIY project for kids. It’s quite easy and fun. This simple project will also keep them occupied during their holidays.

And here’s how I did.Material
Ice Cream SticksFevicolSisal RopeBird seeds
* Line up 10-12 ice cream sticks neatly. Glue 2 sticks across them and turn it over. * Do a second row with sticks in opposite direction to strengthen the base. * Glue sticks on each side alternatively and start making the frame. * Continue building like a wall on four sides, until it has 6 rows. * Glue each sticks with a little fevicol and only in the corners. * Set aside to dry. * Cut 4 pieces of sisal rope in same length and thread through the bottom row and bring it out. It's ready to hang now.

Let the kids enjoy doing this and the birds enjoy their food from this lovely little bird feeder. And it costs not more than 20 Rs.

Fill with bird seeds, hang in your garden and treat your little guests. :)