DIY – Cut Bangs and Fringe

Posted on the 11 September 2013 by Rin @rinkun1691

i think many would face the same issue as me… the point in your life when you want to really grow your hair long till it reaches your waist but you don’t want to have uber long fringe that you’re forced to put to the side, exposing your extremely high forehead? yes, i go through that often. and i am sure there are people out there who shares my sentiments! also, visiting the salon would just be equally unreasonable as it means paying like $30 just to get a few cm of your hair snipped off.

So i’m here to share with you a way which i use that can help you with this issue! TBH, most of my hair styling and trimming is left to a friend of mine who is working on his way to hair-dressing. but he was nice to show me how it was done. (it’s really no big secret, it’s on YOUTUBE). Let me know after watching the clip and trying it, did it work out well for you as much as it did for me, okay?