Paper Heart Garlands are easy to prepare and a nice crafting idea for home decoration.It took me about 60 minutes to make these 9 paper heart garlands, using materials I already had at home. I adjusted the lenght of the garlands by varying the number of paper hearts from 3 to 5 hearts / garland. You will need:- a heart paper punch - some paper with print - I used an old school textbook, that is made of strong and slippery paper- one small bead for each garland - white sewing thread- a needle- scissors

- I started with punching the hearts. I noticed afterwards that some words were randomly placed in the middle of the heart, like "dilemma" (I used an old textbook from Qualitative Research Methods :-)
- I then clipped the hearts out with scissors.

- I fastened the bead to the thread by binding a knot.
- Then I connected the hearts, one by one, using three double stiches on each heart. I left a space about 4 inches between the hearts.
- Finally, I bound a loop at the end of the each garland, so I could hang them up.
- I made 9 garlads in all, three to each window, with different lenghts.

- And that's about it - pretty easy, aint it!
Crafting Paper Heart Garlands is a fine way for repurposing an old book, and for making timeless, wintery decorations.

... with hearty greetings,
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