I got bored today a bit. I took a transparent mobile phone case, some nail polishes and got crackin'! (It's my first DIY attempt, so be gentle)
First, I painted two coats of purple nail polish:
I wasn't quite sure if I should just leave it like that, but the unevenly painted polish made me rethink (if I had a spray paint instead a nail polish, that would've been a different story.) :)
So I added some glitter polish that I never use:
Bling, bling huh? It looks better in real life, I promise!
And this is how it looks on my trusty old Nokia E5:
I wonder how long the nail polish will last. :)
Have a great day!
First, I painted two coats of purple nail polish:
I wasn't quite sure if I should just leave it like that, but the unevenly painted polish made me rethink (if I had a spray paint instead a nail polish, that would've been a different story.) :)
So I added some glitter polish that I never use:
Bling, bling huh? It looks better in real life, I promise!
And this is how it looks on my trusty old Nokia E5:
I wonder how long the nail polish will last. :)
Have a great day!