DIY Ribbon Belt in 5 Easy Steps
Posted on the 10 January 2018 by Terinanicole
Do you like winter? I don't. Not at all. Not one bit. I'm not into winter sports and I'm much too pregnant to ice skate and snowboard even if I was. So I'm spending this winter doing what I do best: making stuff! And I think you should, too! :) If you follow me on IG, you'll know that I did a daily series of fly winter DIY project leading up to Christmas. Design projects are so therapeutic and good for the environment as well as your bank account! Win, win, win!Today's project, the DIY Ribbon Belt, is awesome because it's right after the holidays and many of us have extra padding around the waistline. A new belt could come in handy until we lose that extra weight. The project is really easy and fun so enjoy!Easy peasy lemon squeezy, right? All of my winter DIY projects are stylish, easy and fun. You can get grosgrain ribbon here and here.You can getmetal buckles here,here and here.Sign up to the mailing list to be the first to know when I release my next project, an e-book with all 12 fly DIY projects in one user-friendly guide.