
Posted on the 02 April 2012 by Crossstitchyourheart @TMNienaber

It’s been a long week and I’m glad it’s finally Monday so I can start over with a fresh slate.  It also helps it’s April 2nd so it’s the beginning of a new month and I can say good-bye to the Ides of March!  I know technically the month started yesterday, but considering April 1st is April-Fool’s Day I don’t think it really counts as a day.  I do have to say, quite sadly, that Frodo had to be given up.  I won’t get into the reasons here, but there is a very good reason we had to say good-bye.  I’m still upset about it though and miss her quite a bit.  I will be looking to take on a new puppy (who will also probably be named Frodo) a few years in the future with the hope that things work out better.  So that, along with a few other things, is why I haven’t been blogging with my usual regularity the past couple of weeks.

On a happier note…  I am finished with this semester’s student-teaching tomorrow!  Technically I’m finished today but I’m going in tomorrow to hand out papers and tests.  It’s been a fantastic experience and I love my cooperating teacher.  Made me feel much better about going into my 12-week student teaching next semester and off into the real world of teaching in a year-ish.  I am looking forward to being back in my home town from now on.  As much as I love being in a college town I’m also getting sick of it.  I also made my teacher a nice book-mark to show my appreciation (because I’m a poor college student and can’t afford anything else).  But it turned out really well.

Another happy note.  I’ve been given the Kreative Blogger Award by Amy’s Worlds. I haven’t followed this blog a whole lot, but she does some pretty awesome looking cross stitch, so that’s reason enough for you to go check her out! Now, I have to admit, I’m not crazy about the chain-letterish quality of all these blogging awards.  Then again, I do like sharing my love of other bloggers with you, and this gives me a way to do it.  (Not to mention there’s always a nice glow when someone thinks enough of you to nominate you for a snazzy award).  So, that being said.  If I nominate you for this award you can pass it on if you wish, but don’t feel like you have to. I won’t be upset or offended, it’s totally up to you whether or not you want to pass it on.  So, here are the rules.(1) You must thank the person who has given you the award.
(2)Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
(3)Link the person who has nominated you for the award.
(4)Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
(5)Nominate 7 other Kreative Bloggers.
(6)Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.

It’s hard to narrow it down to just 7 blogs when you’re a crafty blogger…but here are a few of my favorites.

(1) Going Dutch  I love the pictures she posts on here.  The ones from this week of the tulips are especially fantastic.

(2) Peace, Love, and Fabulous Things  Well, this is the blogger who nominated me for my first blogging award, so I thought I’d return the favor.  And her blog is just fantastic.  Crafty and inspirational!

(3) A Detailed House  If you love pictures of houses (or rooms in houses) you’ll love this blog.  With great rooms you wish you could have to ideas you can actually use at home.

(4) Sew Sensational  Another fantastic sewing blog.

(5) The Loveliest Little Things  A sister-run blog, they have all sorts of fashion, food, and fun things.

(6) Aaron Leaman  One of the first blogs I started to follow, this is a very talented artist and his music videos are good too!

(7) Three Sixty-Six  A blog that doesn’t update nearly as much as I’d like it to, but I just love all the pictures.

Now, 7 things about myself you might find interesting…

(1) I’m graduating a semester early from college (debt free no less!)  (2) My two favorite books of all time are Dracula  by Bram Stoker and Great Expectations by Charles Dickens.  (3) I watch PBS and listen to NPR for fun…because I think that makes me smart. (4) I’ve always wanted to be a “jogger” so I might start working on that this summer. (5) I have a haunted desk-lamp, every now and then it turns itself on by itself but only started doing it after this one guy I know died. (6) I have extreme brand loyalty for no apparent reason.  I only drink Coke and buy all my stuff from Amazon. (7) I eat candy by colors.  So if I’m eating a bag of skittles I have to eat all of one color first, it’s weird I know.

Anyway, I hope you’re all having a fantastic week (at least one that’s better than mine).  If you have any to spare send me some good thoughts, I could use some to get this week started off on the right track.  Go do something crafty!  And if you get some time check out this week’s Zombie Coffee Press story.  You’re in for a treat!