This was always a mystery to me for many years. But the busy person stays busy for a reason just as the idle person is idle for a reason. That's how they like it! A busy person tends to like being busy from the time they get up to the time they go to sleep. Give them a holiday or a day where nothing is scheduled and they may hit the panic button. An idle person can putter throughout the same day and not realize the time gone by.
In a paper published in the journal Psychological Science, researchers show that busy people are happier than those that are idle or lazy. They did an experiment with college students giving them a 15 minute break. Given the choice most of the students walked further during the break. They kept busy and were reportedly happier. They concluded that busy people were happier even if it was not by their choice that they were busy.
Ever notice when you ask a busy person to do something - they tend to be happier to do it for you? They tend to THRIVE on it. They live for it. So the next time you need a favor, remember go ask the busy person.