Does Anyone Still Buy Greeting Cards?

Posted on the 09 July 2012 by Djrelat7 @djrelat7

Sample Card from Paperless Post Under Thoughtful Gestures.

I've always been one to stand for hours in Hallmark, looking for just the right card to pick out for that special someone's special occasion.  It had to be the right card for that person from me.  It had to share and represent our special bond.  Over the years the price of cards have gone up; well everything has gone up in price.  I find myself now looking for the 99 cents cards and picking the one the fits the occasion.  I even go as far as writing on the wrapping paper...."Happy Birthday...Love, arelis."  I rarely purchase a greeting card anymore.  Does anyone still buy Greeting Cards?
A few years ago, a friend of mine introduced me to this website called Paperless Post.  Its a wonderful site of greeting cards.  They are beautiful cards and fully customizable.  The site is SUPER easy to use and the prices are reasonable.  So far I haven't paid anything for a card, but if I wanted to its an option.  I say give it a try.  If you can save money, why not? 
Do you still buy Greeting Cards?  Do you use any special websites that serve the same purpose?  Or do you get creative?  Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Until then,