Does Size Matter?

Posted on the 03 April 2012 by Gabrielc @gabrielcommon
Okay, now I hope you all understand what I mean when I ask this question. "Does Size Matter?" I hope that you do realize that this is a site about writing so I'm talking about the size of a book. As a writer or a reader does it really make a big difference on how many pages the book is. When I first got into writing I was really bent on making my books a long as I could, because it always seemed that the longer books are the ones that get the most recognition. I'm glad to say that I was wrong about that thought. In my opinion size doesn't matter. If a writer is able to get his or her point across in under 300 pages then great. I rather read a short book that is good and straight to the point then a long book that seems to drag on. Now he the writer makes his or her story long for the sake of the a compelling plot then that's great. The more entertainment you get from the book, but if the writer makes the story long for the sake of making it long then the story will be boring. What's the point of extra content if it does build interest. I believe it also applies to film-making as well. That's why I lost my interest in that show Ringer. The concept was good and I begun to like it but then they started to drag it on and it begun to get boring. So the answer to the question as far as I'm concerned is NO, size really doesn't matter. As a great man once size it's not the size that counts it's how you use it. Please comment your opinions on the matter.