Self Expression Magazine

Doing The Right Thing

Posted on the 15 November 2013 by Wifessionals @wifessionals

Doing The Right Thing


It's amazing how a little, everyday experience can make you reflect on a big, lifetime choice.
Last week I spent a whole day running errands (oh wait, that's everyday ;) and good ol' Target was my last stop. I had a long list of things to buy, but after an hour in the store, I finally checked out and, already feeling somewhat exhausted, pushed my cart the whole way through the parking lot to my car...which of course was like the last spot in the parking lot.
As I unloaded my cart, I realized there was a box of cake mix in the bottom of the cart that the cashier forgot to scan. Immediately this voice runs through my head..."It's cake mix. That's like two bucks. It's her fault she forgot to ring it up. That walk back would be soooo far. It's just not worth it."
But another voice in my head told me..."Emily, you know what's right." So I went back in. Paid the extra two bucks for my cake mix, and went on my way.
I'm not sharing that story to pat myself on the back. I'm sharing that story because I really wrestled with myself for like two minutes on what I should do, and it caused me to reflect on who I want to be. C.S. Lewis once said, "Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching." It's so easy to choose what we know is right when there are people right beside us. But all too often we have to make decisions that are just between us and God. And while it sure isn't always easy, in the big things AND the small things...

I want to be a person who does the right thing even when no one is watching.
The truth is, I mess up every day. Thank God that He loves us and forgives us for our mistakes! But I really want to make a more intentional commitment to making the "right" choices over the "easy" choices.
Doing The Right Thing

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