
Posted on the 16 March 2012 by Elizabethwix

It all started when Claudia in London was off work sick

and looking round for things to take photos of -- and came upon my mother's tea set with all the metal rivets and signs of decreptitude.

The very next day, by some bizarre cooincidence, a friend arrived with a little present for me --one of her grandmother's bone china tea cups --a little the worse for wear too.

The second image makes it look as if it is floating in outer space not merely on the art table. Jo's grandmother's name was Nancy Maude Elizabeth Shockley Norton. Gosh.

One of my grandmothers was Constance Winifred Gretchen Norman. Hm........

Some out of focus roses

a fruit bowl

and some on-their-last-legs anemones.

Happy Weekend.