Don't Dare Me!

Posted on the 28 November 2012 by Ravenswingthog @ravenswingthog
I can't even remember how it came up.
Cherise was asking me to do something, and threatened to drop her pot of brown sauce in my beer if I didn't agree.
So, I agreed to do as she said.

Theakstons XB - with extra brown sauce

And then dropped it in my beer anyway.
It was Eden's third birthday today, and I think he's had a good day.  He absolutely loved various presents, in particular his nightlight, his Gruffalo book, and his Leapfrog Lettersaurus.  He also had great fun pulling all his balloons down from where I'd taped them onto walls etc.  We took him to Kinderland in Hessle this morning and after lunch he went to nursery this afternoon and they had a party there.  All in all a good day!